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LoopBack 4 February 2020 Milestone Update

ยท 11 min read
Janny Hou

Originally published on

The February in a leap year is quite special and we hope everyone has some memorable stories from that extra day! In the past month, LoopBack team continued to focus on the migration guide epic. In the meantime, we were able to contribute significant PRs across all the functional areas. We are really glad to see the increasing engagement from community members, we appreciate all your code reviews and contributions. Last but not least, we published new major releases for @loopback/* modules as as we dropped Node.js 8 support and introduced a few other breaking changes.

Keep reading to learn about what happened in February!

Migration Guideโ€‹

Migrating Operation Hooksโ€‹

While we work on a spike for supporting operation hooks for models/repositories, we are providing a temporary API for enabling operation hooks in LoopBack 4. It requires overriding the DefaultCrudRepository's definePersistedModel method in the model's repository.

Here is an example of adding a before save operation hook to the Product model.

class ProductRepository extends DefaultCrudRepository<
> {
constructor(dataSource: juggler.DataSource) {
super(Product, dataSource);

definePersistedModel(entityClass: typeof Product) {
const modelClass = super.definePersistedModel(entityClass);
modelClass.observe('before save', async ctx => {
console.log(`going to save ${ctx.Model.modelName}`);
return modelClass;

For more details visit Migrating CRUD operation hooks.

Migrating LoopBack 3 Models with a Custom Base Classโ€‹

The initial implementation of lb4 import-lb3-models was able to import only models inheriting from models that have a built-in counter-part in LoopBack 4: Model, PersistedModel, KeyValueModel. Now it also supports migrating models inheriting from all other models, including LoopBack 3 built-in models like User, or an application-specific model. The chain of base (parent) models will also be created in the LoopBack 4 application. For example, model Customer extends model UserBase which extends model User, and if you run lb4 import-lb3-models, you will see the following prompts:

$ lb4 import-lb3-models ~/src/loopback/next/packages/cli/test/fixtures/import-lb3-models/app-using-model-inheritance.js

WARNING: This command is experimental and not feature-complete yet.
Learn more at

? Select models to import: Customer
Model Customer will be created in src/models/customer.model.ts

Adding UserBase (base of Customer) to the list of imported models.
Model UserBase will be created in src/models/user-base.model.ts

Adding User (base of UserBase) to the list of imported models.
Model User will be created in src/models/user.model.ts

Import of model relations is not supported yet. Skipping the following relations: accessTokens
Ignoring the following unsupported settings: acls
create src/models/customer.model.ts
create src/models/user-base.model.ts
create src/models/user.model.ts
update src/models/index.ts
update src/models/index.ts
update src/models/index.ts

Migrating Access Control Exampleโ€‹

As the first story to explorer the authorization migration path, we started with migrating a LoopBack 3 example application which implemented a RBAC (role based access control) system for demoing the LoopBack 3 authentication and authorization mechanism.

The migrated LoopBack 4 example is created in examples/access-control-migration. It uses casbin as the third party library to implement the role mapping. The original models and endpoints are migrated to the LoopBack 4 models, repositories, and controllers. The JWT authentication system is applied again and the core logic of original role resolvers and model ACLs map to the LoopBack 4 authorization system's authorizers and metadata.

We created a very detailed tutorial for the migration steps that you can follow to see how to secure the same endpoints in LoopBack 4.

Migrating Model Mixinsโ€‹

We've added a section Migrating model mixins to the migration guide to detail how LoopBack 3 property and custom method/remote method mixins can be migrated to LoopBack 4 model/repository/controller mixin class factory functions.

Migration of all model propertiesโ€‹

We have confirmed that migration also passes down the connector metadata in the model properties with additional tests.

Experimental Feature on Integration with Winston and Fluentd Loggingโ€‹

@loopback/extension-logging contains a component that provides logging facilities based on Winston and Fluentd. Here is an example of injecting and invoking a Winston logger:

import {inject} from '@loopback/context';
import {Logger, logInvocation} from '@loopback/extension-logging';
import {get, param} from '@loopback/rest';

class MyController {
// Inject a winston logger
private logger: Logger;

// http access is logged by a global interceptor
// log the `greet` method invocations
greet(@param.path.string('name') name: string) {
return `Hello, ${name}`;

hello(@param.path.string('name') name: string) {
// Use the winston logger explicitly
this.logger.log('info', `greeting ${name}`);
return `Hello, ${name}`;

Its architecture diagram and basic usage are well documented in the package's file.

Context and Bindingโ€‹

Adding Inspection Flagsโ€‹

Context and binding inspection APIs were improved with more options and information to print out their injections.

At binding level, there is one flag:

  • includeInjections: control if injections should be inspected.

An example usage is:

const myBinding = new Binding(key, true)
.tag('model', {name: 'my-model'})
// It converts a binding with value constructor to plain JSON object
const json = myBinding.inspect({includeInjections: true});

At context level, there are two flags:

  • includeInjections: control if binding injections should be inspected.
  • includeParent: control if parent context should be inspected.

And their corresponding example usages:

childCtx.inspect({includeInjections: true});
childCtx.inspect({includeParent: false})

More test cases can be found in PR

Inspect Exampleโ€‹

@raymondfeng has created loopback4-example-inspect to demonstrate the inspection of a LoopBack 4 application's context hierarchy. It provides visualization on the different contexts (request, server, application), their bindings, and dependency injections in class constructors. Information is exposed via 3 endpoints:

  • inspect: Fetches a JSON document for the context hierarchy.
  • graph: Renders the LoopBack application as a SVG diagram.
  • graph-d3: Displays the graph using d3-graphviz.

This example is turning into an extension @loopback/context-explorer in PR #4666. The core code is packed as a component.

Dynamic Binding and Rebinding of Controllersโ€‹

The hot-reloading of controllers after starting application is supported now. You can dynamically add/remove controllers after the application runs, and their endpoints will be mounted/removed accordingly. The OpenAPI specification that describes the exposed endpoints will also be updated. For example:

const app = new Application();
await app.start();
// MyController are available via REST API now
// You can also see the updated OpenAPI Specification from endpoint /openapi.json

Allowing Different Naming Convention in lb4 discover CLIโ€‹

The CLI now allows selection of two naming convention for lb4 discover command: camel case or all lower case. You can find the explanation of each prompt in the Discovering models from relational databases page. discoverAndBuildModels allows you to have different conventions to meet your requirements. Details can be found in page Discover and define models at runtime.

CRUD REST API Builderโ€‹

We added a new API builder that helps build a CRUD repository and controller class in PR #4589. CrudRestApiBuilder can be used with an Entity class to create a default repository and controller classes for the model class. For example, if you have a Product model and a database db. In your src/application.ts file:

// add the following import
import {CrudRestComponent} from '@loopback/rest-crud';
export class TryApplication extends BootMixin(
) {
constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {
// other code
// add the following line

Create a new file for the configuration, e.g. src/model-endpoints/ that defines the model, pattern, dataSource, and basePath properties:

import {ModelCrudRestApiConfig} from '@loopback/rest-crud';
import {Product} from '../models';
module.exports = <ModelCrudRestApiConfig>{
model: Product,
pattern: 'CrudRest', // make sure to use this pattern
dataSource: 'db',
basePath: '/products',

Now your Product model will have a default repository and default controller class defined without the need for a repository or controller class file. For more information on the API builder, see @loopback/rest-crud's README.

REST Decoratorsโ€‹

We simplified the filter and where usage for constraint, schema, and OpenAPI mapping with two shortcut decorators: @param.filter and @param.where. The example below shows how they replaced the tedious signatures:

class TodoController {
async find(
// replaces `@param.query.object('filter', getFilterSchemaFor(Todo))`
filter?: Filter<Todo>,
): Promise<Todo[]> {
return this.todoRepository.find(filter);
async findById(
@param.path.number('id') id: number,
// replaces `@param.query.object('filter', getFilterSchemaFor(Todo))`
@param.filter(Todo, {exclude: 'where'}) filter?: FilterExcludingWhere<Todo>,
): Promise<Todo> {
return this.todoRepository.findById(id, filter);
async count(@param.where(Todo) where?: Where<Todo>): Promise<Count> {
// replaces @param.query.object('where', getWhereSchemaFor(Todo)) where?: Where<Todo>,
return this.todoRepository.count(where);

API Explorerโ€‹

We have now changed the OpenAPI specification generated by the decorator @param.query.json to support url-encoding. Please take a look at ( This means users can now test their APIs from API explorer with complex json query parameters (eg: filter={include: {relation: "todoList"}}). Previously users were able to test from API explorer with only simple key-values in exploded format (eg: ?filter[limit]=1 ), because the generated OpenAPI for json query parameters was always of exploded deep-object style. This could be a breaking change for some API clients. Please take a look at the breaking change log in commits from PR

Tooling and Buildโ€‹

  • npm test is passing on Windows: The problem was caused by process.stdin.isTTY behaves differently on the Windows platform, and was discovered by community member @derdeka. Great thanks to him and @dougal83 who had been working with @bajtos to investigate and eventually fix the issue! A series of PRs are involved: #4643, #4605, #4652, #4657

  • PR #4707 removed dist files from top-level tsconfig to speed up the eslint checks. The time for npm run eslint was reduced from about 4m10s down to 2m50s. More importantly, it enabled proper caching behavior, so that subsequent runs of npm run eslint are super quick, even after npm run build modified dist files.

  • Dropped Node.js 8 support in PR #4619. Node.js v8.x is now end of life, so that we upgraded the supported version across all the LoopBack 4 packages to be 10 and above. This breaking change also resulted in a semver-major release for the monorepo. Many small breaking changes are coming as part of it.

  • request module is now officially deprecated, so we replaced it with a new HTTP client axios. The entire story is tracked in #2672. We have updated the http-caching-proxy and benchmark packages to use axios.


  • We upgraded the dependency of TypeScript from 3.7 to 3.8 in PR #4769. You can find the new features of TypeScript 3.8 in here

  • Querying with filter where, fields and order is now supported in the API Explorer, the usage is well documented in the section parameter decorator to support json objects

  • We enabled running shared tests from both loopback-datasource-juggler@3 and loopback-datasource-juggler@4 in one more connector: loopback-connector-db2

  • We fixed a bug in postgresql connector which occurred when few of the foreign keys in a parent table have null values (

Documentations and Blog Postsโ€‹

After refactoring the shopping example, we updated the file to document the new changes of application usage and the authorization system.

We published two blog posts this month about the management and plan for our project:

Community Contributionโ€‹

With more LoopBack users joined us as community maintainers, we're seeing more interactions and discussions! Also, we're glad to see that the increasing numbers of pull request from the community. We really appreciate all of these help! Here are the highlight of community PR of February:

Adding Flag disableDefaultSort to Improve Database Query Performanceโ€‹

User Erikdegroot89 pointed out that the way LB4 sets default sorting for SQL query might drag down the querying time when the database has a massive amount of data. Using the new added flag disableDefaultSort, users can turn the default sorting off. See details in PR #417. This PR also inspires us to leverage the option to all connectors. The issue is tracked in GH issue. Feel free to contribute or join the discussion.

Deprecation Decoratorโ€‹

@oas.deprecated was created by user mschnee to enrich our OpenAPI decorators. It can be applied to class and a class method. It will set the deprecated boolean property of the Operation Object. When applied to a class, it will mark all operation methods of that class as deprecated, unless a method overloads with @oas.deprecated(false). You can check out its documentation to learn more details.

Call to Actionโ€‹

In 2020, we look forward to helping you and seeing you around! LoopBack's success depends on you. We appreciate your continuous support and engagement to make LoopBack even better and meaningful for your API creation experience. Here's how you can join us and help the project: